Local authority food law enforcement 2016/17 (UK)

Farming, Fishing and Food
Local authority food law enforcement 2016/17 20/09/2017 While UK local authorities continued to target their food law enforcement activities successfully in 2016/17 at businesses where food safety risks are highest or food fraud is most likely, official statistics reveal that
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Tips to Help Retailers Boost Vegetable Sales (UK)

Farming, Fishing and Food
18/08/2017 The use of mid-aisle displays, which boosted sales of overlooked vegetables when it was applied in Denmark, is one of the top tips in a new online ‘Retailer Toolkit’ produced by the Food Foundation independent think tank to help
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Food Businesses Launch Search for Sugar Alternatives (UK)

Farming, Fishing and Food
18/08/2017 Ingredient manufacturers, product specialists and researchers have been invited to submit ideas for sugar-alternatives that will help food companies achieve the ‘20% sugar reduction by 2020 target’ laid out in the government’s Childhood Obesity Plan.  ‘Food businesses target sugar
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Transforming Food Regulation (E, W, NI)

Farming, Fishing and Food
26/-7/2017 An enhanced system of registration for food businesses is the fundamental change at the heart of the Food Standards Agency’s plans to transform food regulation – ‘fundamental’ because under the current system, the FSA doesn’t know how many food
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People With Food Allergies Are ‘More Confident in Eating Out’ (UK)

Farming, Fishing and Food
26/07/2017 Research showing that people with food allergies are more confident in eating out since new rules changed the way food businesses have to provide allergen information to consumers, has been hailed by the Food Standards Agency as ‘strong evidence
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