A range of factors, from bad weather to political uncertainty have led to a weakened foreign and domestic demand. This has been seen across a swathe of industries, from construction to the automotive. Factory workers have struggled to get back on their feet following such economic setbacks and output has suffered as a result.
According to new data from the Office for National Statistics, British factories saw the biggest monthly drop in manufacturing output since 2012, with exports of goods and services falling and an unimpressive 0.5 percent rebound in growth.
Business confidence has been knocked, and workers are struggling to improve their performance and enthusiasm at the workplace. Employers can do their part of course, and investing in new technology and equipment can quickly boost the productivity of workers. At the Credit Protection Association, our debt recovery services free up cash flow and provide our Members with the financial power to explore new ways to shape their workspace for the better.
GDP grew by just 0.2 percent in the three months to May, the National Institute for Economics and Social Research (NIESR) estimated, barely recovering from the slump to growth of 0.1 percent in the first three months of the year.