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Are YOUR Payment Terms Keeping you from a Large Payout?

Do you know your payment terms could be keeping you from claiming hundreds, even tens of thousands of pounds in compensation?!

Have you heard of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998? And the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002?

 If not, read on…

Brought into force on 1st November 1998 and 7th August 2002, respectively, the Late Payment of Commercial (Interests) Act and the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002 provide compensation to businesses for the late payment of debts.

Notably, this only applies when the payment terms do NOT already impose other late payment penalties such as a daily interest charge on late payers.

In layman’s terms, any pre-existing late charge will negate the application of the LPC legislation. Whether your stated interest rates are 1.5% or 9.5% if your business levies such a charge on clients you could miss out on collecting much larger compensation through the official Act!


For further details and a free assessment of the potential financial compensation you are owed, please contact in total confidence Cris Shirley on
0330 053 9263

The Late Payment Compensation division of CPA enforces Late Payment Legislation, claiming interest currently at 8.5% and additionally providing clients with three tiers of compensation- £40 for debts under £1000, £70 for £10,000 and £100 for over £10,000, depending on the amount of each individual invoice. Moreover, we can calculate exactly what each and every client is owed going back 6 years for every invoice that was paid late.

This can amount to serious money indeed, sometimes hundreds of thousands of pounds!

To ensure all our clients get the LPC compensation they deserve, CPA highly recommends that the following disclaimer be included on all future invoices”


This invoice is due for payment within 30 days, please. If paid late, we may be obliged to invoke the terms of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998


Please call us on 0330 053 9263 to discuss how CPA can help your cashflow.
Alternatively, either email us or use our contact form.

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