IMF Downgrades Growth Forecast

IMF Downgrades Growth Forecast 21st December 2017. The IMF has cut its UK economic growth forecast, blaming Brexit uncertainty. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects growth of 1.6 percent this year, down slightly from its previous forecast of 1.7 percent.
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UK Households Expect Tougher Finances

UK Households Expect Tougher Finances 19th December 2017. More households in Britain expect a deterioration in their finances for the first time in three years, a survey published by the Bank of England has found. The darker outlook felt by
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Scottish Firms At Insolvency Risk

Scottish Firms At Insolvency Risk 19th December 2017. The number of Scottish companies at risk of insolvency has risen over the course of 2017, according to insolvency and restructuring trade body, R3. According to a new report by R3, industry
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UK Bosses Fear Gloomy Business Future

UK Bosses Fear Gloomy Business Future 19th December 2017.   The Confederation of British Industry has found a “substantial” increase in companies who believe the UK will be a less attractive place to work in five years. In a recent
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UK Set For Best Global Growth In Seven Years

UK Set For Best Global Growth In Seven Years 19th December 2017. The global economy is set to grow at its fastest rate since 2011, while Brexit uncertainty is expected to drag the UK back, according to a new report. In
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