Ofgem approves new system for projecting household energy bills (UK)

22/12/2017 Ofgem approves new system for projecting household energy bills (UK) Each individual energy supplier and confidence code comparison site now has the freedom to develop its own methodology for estimating a household’s annual energy costs in a manner that
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SME Optimism At Five-Month High

SME Optimism At Five-Month High 22nd December 2017. Britain’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are turning cautiously optimistic on the economy’s prospects, according to a new study. In a research undertaken by Lloyds Bank, it has been found that a
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Small Businesses Launch Fraud Claim Against CYBG

Small Businesses Launch Fraud Claim Against CYBG 22nd December 2017. Hundreds of small businesses and traders fired a mis-selling claim against high street lender Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank on Thursday. The group, led by claims manager RGL Management, have launched the
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Public Borrowing Shrinks to Decade Low

Public Borrowing Shrinks to Decade Low 22nd December 2017. UK Government borrowing was at its lowest level for a decade in 2017, according to new data from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR). The improved state of the public finances will come as welcome
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UK Consumer Confidence Falls To Four-Year Low

UK Consumer Confidence Falls To Four-Year Low 21st December 2017. Consumer confidence fell to a four-year low in December as Brexit uncertainty, higher inflation and the interest rate hike by the Bank of England weighed on personal finances. A new survey
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