Ofgem approves new system for projecting household energy bills (UK)

22/12/2017 Ofgem approves new system for projecting household energy bills (UK) Each individual energy supplier and confidence code comparison site now has the freedom to develop its own methodology for estimating a household’s annual energy costs in a manner that
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Updated consultation on new rules to help struggling credit card customers (UK)

Consumer Law
21/12/2017 Updated consultation on new rules to help struggling credit card customers (UK) While the projected costs to businesses of proposed new rules to help credit card customers in persistent debt has been increased by up to £101 million in
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UK Households Expect Tougher Finances

UK Households Expect Tougher Finances 19th December 2017. More households in Britain expect a deterioration in their finances for the first time in three years, a survey published by the Bank of England has found. The darker outlook felt by
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Risk-based monitoring for spring water and bottled drinking water (E)

Consumer Law
19/12/2017 Risk-based monitoring for spring water and bottled drinking water (E) Spring water and bottled water intended for human consumption will be mainly affected by a European amending directive that introduces risk-based monitoring and new methods of chemical and microbiological
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Female Entrepreneurs, How Can We Help Them?

Female Entrepreneurs, How Can We Help Them? 18th December 2017. When it comes to starting a business, there remains a notable disparity between the sexes. Encouragingly, the gender gap is closing – but there is still more work to be done. Clare Beaumont-Adam,
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