Late payments cause mental health issues for 90% of bosses in the construction sector

CPA Blog
Late payments cause mental health issues for 90% of bosses in the construction sector. 8th November 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. Nine out of ten  bosses in the construction sector have suffered mental health issues caused by late payment. The
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New research on the cost of late payments

credit management
New research on the cost of late payments 14th October 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. A survey by Hitachi Capital Business Finance  looks at the overall cost to SMEs of late payments . The findings show a huge cost –
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Boyes Rees Architects collapses due to late payments

credit management
Boyes Rees Architects collapses due to late payments 27th September 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. Boyes Rees Architects, a Welsh architecture practice  has ceased trading under the burden of late payments, leading to the loss of 40 jobs. Boyes Rees
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Get paid earlier by understanding why late payments happen.

CPA Blog
Get paid earlier by understanding why late payments happen. 25th September 2019. You’ve delivered the goods, provided the service or done the work, but the transaction is not yet over. Your payment has yet to arrive. You agreed 30 day
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Podcast: Inside Accountancy Episode 2 – Late payments

credit management
Podcast: Inside Accountancy Episode 2 – Late payments 24th September 2019. We thought we would share a link to the Accountancy Age’s latest podcast which discusses late payments. We thought it would interest our members.       In Episode
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