“Cheque Please”!: CPA Success Stories Within the Services Sector

The services sector makes up a large proportion of the UK economy, supplying the public with hotels, catering, cleaning facilities, and hospitality. In the past few months, certain brick and mortar corners of the economy have struggled to compete with e-commerce counterparts.

At the Credit Protection Association, many of our members from the sector have struggled to rally the right amount of funding and encouragement from their employees. Productivity and profits have been struggling as a result, and we have witnessed the fall of some of the high street’s most renowned occupants.

Our debt recovery services have given business owners a new lease of life, not only prolonging their company’s lifespan but giving them the financial freedom to live it to the full.

Here are some examples of how the Credit Protection Association has helped some business owners from the services sector:

In October 2017, we received a case from our Member of the catering industry, with a debt that already overdue by 1 month. We sent our first CPA letter but got no response. We then proceeded to send our second letter, and again no response. Then, before the case was sent to our litigation team, and less than a month after the first letter was sent…our Member announced they’d received the the full amount!

In November 2017, we received a case from our member, a baker, and the debt was already 4 months old. We sent out our CPA letter, and within only 5 days, our Member had received the full amount from the debtor!

Sometimes, the process can get more complex. Either the debtor lays claim to its ownership of the debt, challenges certain details on the invoice or merely attempts to stall the whole credit control procedure.

If such attempts and excuses are made, the case is promptly sent to our litigation team at CPA. If the debtor really puts up a fight, it is sent to our solicitors who will fight to the tooth to get the case resolved, and our Member fully paid.

Here are just a few of our litigation team’s best success stories from within the services sector:

In October 2017, we received a case from our Member of the hotel industry with a debt value of £1100 which was overdue by nearly 4 months. The case was processed and sent to our solicitors. A Letter Before Action (LBA) was issued to the debtor and was ignored. A claim was issued and the debtor paid the full debt amount, court fees, Late payment Compensation, interest, membership contribution and CPA’s remuneration, amounting to £14.4k direct to our Member.

In January 2018 we received a case from our Member, who was a supplier to the catering industry with a debt value of £600 which was overdue by nearly 3 months. The debtor is in the food industry.  Once we had established the correct debtor identity, the case was processed and sent to our solicitors. An LBA was issued to the debtor and was ignored. A claim was issued and the debtor paid the full debt amount, court fees, Late payment Compensation, interest, membership contribution and CPA’s remuneration, all amounting to £1.0k, direct to our Member.

So whether the debtor behaves politely and promptly, or puts up a fight; CPA will still do everything in its power to reach a positive solution for the Member.

The services sector feeds us, serves us and ensures our lives are rightly entertained and pampered. In this difficult political and economic climate, these diversions are essential.

Do not hesitate to get in contact with us for help and advice. Please pass the matter to us as soon as possible as the quicker we act, the more likely we are to be successful!

Don’t be afraid to ask for what is yours.

Do you have debts owed to you by your customers? Do you have old outstanding invoices that need chasing? Are you unsure of your debtors identity?

We at CPA are pretty good at resolving these issues so why not take a chance? Go ahead and contact us at the Credit Protection Association and we shall see if we can help.

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