The opening of a competitive water market has given England’s small businesses the opportunity previously enjoyed only by large organisations to shop around the country to find the water utilities and retailers that offer the water supply and waste water deals that best suit their needs and budgets.
What the government describes as ‘the world’s biggest competitive water market’ was launched on 1 April. It is open to 1.2m ‘non-household’ customers – ie businesses, charities and public sector bodies – who are likely to be eligible if their premises are
- supplied from a wholly or mainly English-based water company
Within a week, almost 9,000 premises had switched water retailer – some of them negotiating water supply and waste water services with different suppliers.
Micro businesses, as well as multi-nationals, were among many other organisations which contacted their current suppliers to discuss services or negotiate better deals.
Market Operator Services Limited (MOSL), the organisation set up to run the new market on behalf of the water companies trading in it, revealed that there were already 20 water retailers competing for business.
Ofwat, which will regulate the new market, expressed ‘huge optimism’ about the benefits it will bring to customers – estimated by the government to be worth up to £200m over the next 30 years through improved service and better value for money.
‘Water is open for business’ explains how the new market was set up under the Water Act 2014 and how it enables eligible businesses and organisations of all sizes to select a supplier that
- offers better value for money
- improves customer service
- tailors services to meet their needs
- helps them to become a more water efficient business
It also explains how the market creates business opportunities for companies who want to become licensed suppliers of water and waste water retail services.