Don’t Hesitate – Have Recourse to the PAID Service
A Manchester based furniture manufacturer had been trying since the beginning of the year to get payment of some £3100 from a Scottish debtor.
The debtor is a valued one and our Member has been reluctant to put them under undue pressure and particularly reluctant to consider suing in Scotland where, of course, the litigation procedures differ somewhat.
Thus it was that by the time the Member submitted the debt to CPA (PAID) for purchase at CPA’s risk we had to decline it on timing grounds The debt was simply too old for PAID to agree to take the credit risk.
We hold the Member in high regard however so PAID offered to purchase the debt on a”one off” recourse basis under which the bad debt risk remains with the Member but PAID takes responsibility for all collection and litigation costs – which if the collection is not controlled properly, will mount up very rapidly indeed!
PAID’s Collection Manager Natalie McDermott spoke to the debtor on the telephone, explaining that the debt was now the property of CPA (PAID) a division of a group that has been in the account recovery business for over one hundred years and that furthermore, we had to act in the interests of our Member and would take legal action as necessary through top class solicitors who are also specialists in debt collection.
The debtor responded immediately and promised to pay within 14 days. They were as good as their word and this long standing matter was brought to a highly satisfactory conclusion without the need for legal action
The Member will receive our cheque this week.
Win Win Again
By David Hawkins – PAID Division – 20th July 2017
Give us a call on 0330 053 9263 or get in contact.