More than 70 projects in England involving activities ranging from small business support, tourism and food processing to low carbon technologies and innovation support have been listed by the government as still open to applications for finance from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) – which means successful bidders will have the security of guaranteed funding from the UK government if their projects continue post-Brexit.
ESIF includes money from the European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
‘European Structural and Investment Funds: full application’ links to the three key sources of information necessary to set a funding bid in motion –
Step 1 – A list of the calls in England that are still open to ESIF bids, together with project criteria, the location and potential value of available funding.
Step 2 – An outline application that must be completed first to demonstrate that the applicant meets qualification criteria.
Step 3 – Full application forms and guidance that will be sent to applicants who meet the criteria.
Separate guidance is available for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.