The latest programme of government-run training events on strategic export controls for organisations and individuals involved in exporting and trading controlled goods for military, defence, security or dual civil and military (e.g. software) purposes is set out in ‘Export Control Training Bulletin Issue 4, June 2017 : July to November 2017’.
Delivered by the Export Control Unit within the Dept for International Trade, the programme caters for companies of all sizes and individuals with a wide range of knowledge levels. It includes
- beginners course – for those with little knowledge of strategic export controls
- intermediate course – for those who have undertaken basic training but need to put the strategic export control process in context
- targeted courses, such as ‘How to make better licence applications’, ‘Control list classification’
- sector specific courses, which are run annually or every few years
Bespoke, onsite training is also available for a minimum of 10 trainees a session.