Focus on Local Roads in New Transport Investment Strategy(E, S, W)

‘A roads’ overseen by local authorities will benefit from a share in the National Road Fund previously ring-fenced for the motorway network as a central plank of a new transport investment strategy that focuses on making “transport work for the people who use it and the wider economy”.

‘Transport investment strategy: Moving Britain Ahead’ explains how a proportion of the money in the National Road Fund financed by Vehicle Excise Duty will be diverted to help create a new ‘major road network’, tackling bottlenecks and traffic jams and by-passing rural villages situated on main roads.

By improving productivity and connectivity of towns and cities across Great Britain, the network will play a key role in rebalancing the national economy by ensuring wealth is spread across the UK and not just concentrated in the South East.

In order to consistently meet the needs of users and help create a balanced economy, the strategy’s core aims will prioritise

• ensuring investment consistently meets the needs of users and helps create a balanced economy

• supports every part of the country, taking account of the balance of spending between different regions

• getting best value out of the network

• maintaining a ‘resolute focus on delivery’

• putting the UK at the forefront of new transport technology