
Handling mental health issues in the workplace (UK)

With only 11% of workers questioned for a Business in the Community survey * feeling able to disclose a mental health issue to their line manager and 50% of line managers admitting they would welcome training on how to respond, Acas has appropriately selected World Mental Health Day (10 October) to publish new guidance to help managers develop the right skills to support individuals.

‘Managing staff experiencing mental ill health’ links to guidance that offers advice to help them

  • spot the signs of mental ill health
  • talk to a team member that may be experiencing mental ill health
  • support a team member during periods of mental ill health
  • help a team member return to work

Top tips on how they should tackle a conversation with a team member about their  mental health include

  • move the conversation to a private space to prevent any disturbances
  • be open minded and be prepared for the unexpected
  • allow the employee as much time as they need
  • think about potential solutions and adjourn the meeting if it is necessary to think through what has been discussed before making a decision

* ‘Mental Health at Work Report 2017’