Real living wage rises – Business news 9 November 2020.

Real living wage rises – Business news 9 November 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. We look at the rise in the real living wage, GDP expectations, a pre-christmas slump prediction,  closed shops, debt levels, business loans, manufacturing, furlough , covid-19,
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Furlough scheme extended and more QE – business news 6 November 2020.

Furlough scheme extended and more QE –  business news 6 November 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. The furlough scheme is extended to the end of March and the bank of England increases its quantitative easing (QE) by 150 billion plus 
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Lock-down starts – business news 5 November 2020.

Lock-down starts –  business news 5 November 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. Lock-down starts and business goes remote,  BOE to launch further QE, Service sector slows and a new report highlights the importance of SMEs. Plus covid-19, market and other
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Lockdown hits growth hopes – business news 3 November 2020.

Lockdown hits growth hopes –  business news 3 November 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. Lockdown hits growth hopes, borrowing to hit £500 billion, extra support for the self employed, extension to BBLs & CBILs, flexible and home working, employee fears, 
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Lock-down 2.0 – business news 2 November 2020.

Lock-down 2.0 – business news 2 November 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. Lock-down 2.0, business confidence, the economic gap, furlough, redundancies, covid-19, market and other business news. Here are CPA we want to share the business news stories we have
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