Protections against deliberate attacks on food and drink supply chains (UK)

Farming, Fishing and Food
20/11/2017 Protections against deliberate attacks on food and drink supply chains (UK) Newly revised guidance that can be adapted by food and drink businesses of all sizes to defend their viability and the safety and integrity of their supply chains
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Businesses Willing to Pay For Simpler Tax

Businesses Willing to Pay For Simpler Tax Almost two thirds (62%) of businesses would accept higher taxes in exchange for the simplification of the current tax system, a new survey reports. A survey carried out by BDO has found that
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UK Must Stay Top: Banks And Start-Ups to Collaborate

UK Must Stay Top: Banks And Start-Ups to Collaborate The biggest banks and the smallest startups must work together to keep UK as a world-leading fintech centre, according to a new report. Sandboxes, hackathons and entrepreneurs in residence are just
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New FCA Register Too Easy On “Bad Apples”

New FCA Register Too Easy On “Bad Apples” The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has been slammed for abolishing its Approved Persons Register and making it easier for “bad apples” to escape detection. The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment has
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Brexodus is “Nonsense”!

Brexodus is “Nonsense”! The numbers of European Union citizens working in the UK has shot up to record levels this year, according to new figures from the Office for National Statistics. Despite fears of an outflow of EU workers (‘Brexodus’),
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