Protection Against Energy Back Billing (UK)

Consumer Law
07/04/2017. Suppliers will no longer be allowed to back bill customers for energy used more than 12 months ago, under proposals issued by Ofgem partly as a result of case studies from Citizens Advice illustrating that not all suppliers have
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Rogue Landlords now Face Civil Penalties (E)

Consumer Law
7/4/2017. Local authorities were given a new tool to tackle rogue landlords on 6 April by new measures empowering them to impose civil penalties up to £30,000 as an alternative to prosecution for a range of offences. Any income generated
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Register of Foreign Companies Owning UK Properties (UK).

07/04/2017. Government proposals to establish a public register showing the beneficial owners* of UK property controlled by overseas companies will set an international precedent and “strengthen the UK’s position as a world leader in corporate transparency and anti-corruption”, claims the
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Unfair Fees in Retirement Leasehold Properties (UK).

Consumer Law
07/04/2017. The ‘event fees’ system used by elderly residents to defer payment of some of the running costs of their retirement leasehold homes until they sell them is potentially open to abuse by rogue landlords and should be regulated, urges
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Financial lobby group calls for extra Brexit transition period.

6/4/2017. Financial lobby group calls for extra Brexit transition period The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) has warned that the two-year negotiating period for Brexit talks is not long enough for banks, investors and financial regulators to prepare
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