
All the crucial stages involved in planning, installing and operating systems that meet the 12 guiding principles of the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice are explained in a new ‘Passport to compliance’ created by the Surveillance Camera Commissioner as guidance for organisations considering new or significantly modified CCTV systems. 

Although designed for public space CCTV systems such as those used by councils or in shopping centres, the Passport to Compliance is applicable to any type of surveillance camera system.

In addition to ensuring new or modified systems meet the Code of Practice requirements, it covers all aspects of compliance with relevant legislation such as the Data Protection Act and Human Rights Act. It also helps calculate how much a system will cost to procure and run.

‘Passport to compliance’ links to four separate documents that guide users through the stages necessary to plan, implement and operate a system within the ‘Surveillance Camera Code of Practice (June 2013)

  • the Introduction explains the relevant legislation, the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice (2013) and the role of the Surveillance Camera Commissioner
  • stage 1 guidance covers planning and feasibility
  • stage 2 guidance deals with technical requirements
  • stage 3 guidance deals with implementation