Guidance and learning materials are now available to support two Codes that, from 1 July, will introduce tough new restrictions on the placement and contents of advertisements for high fat salt or sugar (HFSS) products in media that target, or are likely to be read or viewed by, children.
Introduced in response to widespread concerns about childhood diet and obesity, the Committee for Advertising Practice (CAP) Code relates to non-broadcast marketing communications, including online spaces, while the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (BCAP) Code relates to broadcast communications.
Both Codes have dedicated content and placement restrictions, including for example their own specific rules covering promotional offers, the use of licensed characters and celebrities and placement of HFSS product advertising.
‘Identifying brand advertising that has the effect of promoting an HFSS product: Advertising Guidance’ explains that HFSS products can be promoted either directly by placing them in an advertisement or indirectly through the use of company or corporate brands or branding.
Both CAP and BCAP acknowledge that differentiating an HFSS product advertisement from a brand advertisement can be difficult and this guidance is specifically designed to indicate where the line should be drawn.
‘Food and Soft Drink Advertising to Children’ is a CAP eLearning module that provides an overview of the main rules that apply when advertising food and soft drink products to children in non-broadcast media.
Developed by the people who wrote the rules, it provides practical tips to help build campaigns, covering
- background and placement
- health and well-being
- selling techniques
The course concludes with an assessment and a personal certificate is available for those who pass the assessment.