
Businesses and individuals across Scotland have been urged to submit their views on the collaborative economy to a panel of experts brought together by the Scottish government to advise it how best to grasp the opportunities and overcome the challenges exemplified by business models such as Uber, Airbnb, Deliveroo and Task Rabbit. 

In essence, collaborative working and the gig economy allows access to the sharing or provision of goods and services, assets and resources without the need for ownership. Underpinning the Panel’s work is the Scottish government’s recognition that technological advances are accelerating the ways in which this emerging economy is revolutionising the purchase, consumption and provision of goods and services.

Headed by Helen Goulden, executive director of the Nesta Innovation Lab, the ‘Scottish Expert Advisory Panel on the Collaborative Economy’ has commenced its task by launching an online survey seeking views from respondents on fundamental collaborative economy-related issues such as

  • what do you see as the key opportunities in Scotland?
  • what do you see arising as the key challenges?
  • are consumers, providers and businesses that contribute to it suitably protected by legislation?
  • do you think it is suitably regulated, while still allowing competition and innovation to flourish? If not, what are the gaps?
  • what do you think are the barriers constraining its growth in Scotland?
  • what role do you think government should play?