How to select a debt collection agency.
Most businesses, especially those dealing in the business to business (B2B) market, at some point either have to provide their services, do some work or dispatch goods before they get paid. Whenever you do that you are supplying on credit. You have trusted someone and are hoping to get paid later!
Whenever businesses supply on credit, there is always the risk that the customer will fail to pay as agreed. Sometimes there are customers who just will not pay what is due. You might get one excuse after another, broken promises of payment after broken promise. Or you might just be ignored with your phone calls going unanswered and your emails disappearing into a black hole. A huge waste of your time and the risk of the customer going bust perhaps.
You eventually realise that you are going to need help from a professional. The sooner the better surely! It’s time to call in a specialist to get what you are properly entitled to. But how can you choose the right debt collector? There is a reason some in the industry have had a bad name historically. Some agencies use suspect or illegal methods, harassing customers to collect the debt. While you want your money, you do not want the good name of your business to be tarnished in the community by a collector acting unprofessionally. You want someone of integrity who is going to be taken notice of, not a one man band that will be ignored by your late paying customer. Agencies come and go, so you don’t want an unscrupulous collector successfully getting your money but then ‘forgetting’ to pass the funds on, then absconding with your money so that you simply switch from collecting from your debtor to trying to collect from your collector!(we at CPA have been asked on many occasions by new clients to collect in just such circumstances). Nor do you want an agency that is going to charge a massive percentage of the debt so that no matter what happens you are guaranteed to lose much of your hard earned cash.
You need an agency that is professional, well established and has the required experience. One that will collect your money and also protect your goodwill to preserve future customer relations.
We at The Credit Protection Association would be glad to help you. The Association is long established and has been around for over 100 years, having been formed in 1914. You will have the power of our good name on your side. We are effective, resolving over 80% of all the accounts referred to us. With the average member of staff having been with us over 14 years we have the expertise you require. When acting on your behalf, we always request that your customer pays the money direct to you. This unique service and our polite reminders enable you to maintain goodwill with your customers. Having resolved the overdue account with you, they will feel pleased to trade with you again (“Have Paid, Will Trade!”). CPA work for a small fixed fee and provide a results based money back guarantee.
Choosing a debt collection agency can be a difficult decision. Why not pick the agency that has been chosen already by tens of thousands of businesses? Call us at CPA to find out how we can help you.
James Salmon