Successful Recovery in the Recruitment Industry

A member who supplies computer services in the Recruitment industry sent us a debt for £7.2k  back in December 2016. The debtor was a recruitment agency and the oldest overdue invoice went back to December 2015! There was some doubt over the correct identity of the debtor but we were able to track them down. Investigations took place and the correct identity of the debtor was established.

The case was passed to our solicitors and the debtor ignored the Letter Before Action. The debtor then ignored the Claim that was issued and Judgment was entered. Enforcement action was recommended by the solicitors and the cases was passed to the Enforcement Officers. The Enforcement Officer was able to collect from the debtor, the full debt amount, the court fees, the solicitors costs, the Credit Protection Associations fee on the case, interest, statutory Late Payment Compensation, and  even a contribution towards the Members subscription, . The Member has received payment of nearly £9.5!  Now that is what we call a great result!

Do you have debts in the recruitment industry? Do you have old outstanding invoices that need chasing? Are you unsure of your debtors identity?

We at CPA are pretty good at resolving these issues but why take the risk? Find out all about your customer and it will make getting paid a lot easier and more likely. If in doubt contact us at the Credit Protection Association and we shall see if we can help.

Ray White – Litigation Manager -4th August 2017

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