Small Suppliers Exploited by Carillion to Conceal Debts

Small Suppliers Exploited by Carillion to Conceal Debts 22nd May 2018. Carillion leant on small suppliers to delay paying its bills and sought to conceal the true scale of its debts, an investigation by MPs has found. Carillion has become
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Improved Business Finances Will Boost Stilted Economic Growth

Improved Business Finances Will Boost Stilted Economic Growth 17th May 2018. Britain’s economy showed few signs of revival at the start of the second quarter, the Bank of England agents’ report into business conditions showed on Wednesday as economists cut
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Carillion Report Reflects Outrage Towards Bosses

Carillion Report Reflects Outrage Towards Bosses 16th May 2018. Carillion’s board presided over a “rotten corporate culture” and was culpable for its “costly collapse”, two committees of MPs have concluded. The select committee recently reached a conclusion that an overhaul
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SMEs Rally Around Late Payment Legislation

SMEs Rally Around Late Payment Legislation 16th May 2018. Basware along with YouGov have released a survey with input from over 2,000 small businesses in the UK, the results find more than half support a change in the law around late
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Refocus on Business Finances to Sustain High Employment

Refocus on Business Finances to Sustain High Employment 15th May 2018. The slowest economic growth in more than five years has failed to dent Britain’s jobs market, with the latest official figures showing a record employment rate in the first
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