Consumer Credit Drops- Consumers (And Businesses) Look To Alternatives

Consumer Credit Drops- Consumers (And Businesses) Look To Alternatives 13th April 2018. The availability of consumer credit dropped “significantly” in the first quarter of 2018, according to a survey of credit conditions published on Thursday by the Bank of England. The
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Business Leaders’ Confidence High, Cash Flow Can Sustain It

Business Leaders’ Confidence High, Cash Flow Can Sustain It 13th April 2018. Confidence in the economy among Britain’s business leaders has improved to its strongest since the triggering of Article 50, according to a poll from the Institute of Directors
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Contractors Demand 3-Year Works Ban For Late Payers

Contractors Demand 3-Year Works Ban For Late Payers 11th April 2018. Specialist contractors have welcomed Government plans to exclude bad payers from bidding public works and called for three-year bans for offenders. In response to the anger felt towards the
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Retail Sales Finally Rise, But Stronger Cash Flow Will Sustain It

Retail Sales Finally Rise, But Stronger Cash Flow Will Sustain It 10th April 2018. UK retail sales picked up in March despite lingering cold weather deterring shoppers from braving the high street. It has been a difficult past year for
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Self Employed Task Force Championed By Credit Managers

Self Employed Task Force Championed By Credit Managers 10th April 2018.  Groups representing up to two million small companies and self-employed people have joined forces to demand a series of reforms that they say are necessary to maintain Britain’s status
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