Storm clouds gather over British Economy.

Storm clouds gather over British Economy. 9th July 2019. The business news has made grim reading in the last 24 hours, as the storm clouds gather over the British Economy Employment outlook dips BDO analysis shows Britain’s employment outlook fell
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Survey shows late payment problems worsening for SMEs

CPA Blog
Survey shows late payment problems worsening for SMEs 25th June 2019. Existence is getting tougher for the UKs SMEs. Research has revealed late payment problems have worsened for 27% of the UKs SMEs in the last 12 months, according to
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Government announces proposed new powers to tackle late payments.

Government announces proposed new powers to tackle late payments. James Salmon, 20/06/2019. The Government has again made noises about trying to tackle late payments and break the cycle of the late payment culture in the UK with a range of
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Late payment by retention is holding the construction sector back

Late payment by retention is holding the construction sector back. 10th June 2019. Late payments of retention money is holding the construction sector back according to a government report. What are retentions The retention system is an industry standard of
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Cashless trend potentially “devastating” for small businesses

Cashless trend potentially “devastating” for small businesses, warns FSB. 10/06/2019. The chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses has warned that many UK businesses could suffer “devastating” losses if bank charges for cards are not restricted, as cashless transactions account
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