20 more big businesses named and shamed for failing to pay on time

credit management
20 more big businesses named and shamed for failing to pay on time 5th November 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. 20 firms – including AstraZeneca, IBM and Unilever – have been suspended from the Prompt Payment Code for failing to
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New study shows small suppliers are paid later

CPA Blog
New study shows small suppliers are paid later 4th November 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. SMEs suffer slow payments   On average, small companies are paid 30 days after their larger trading competitors.   The findings come from a study
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UK car production falls and other business news

UK car production falls and other business news 1st November 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. UK Car production falls in September, European economic growth, Brexlection, the trade deficit and the european tax burden. UK car production UK car production fell
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UK businesses facing a new credit squeeze and other business news

UK businesses facing a new credit squeeze and other business news 30th October 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. We look at a new credit squeeze for businesses, productivity gains from MTD,  a fall in the number of low paid jobs,
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Government funding will boost rural communications

Government funding will boost rural communications 30th October 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. Do you sell on credit? With pressures on the cash flow it is essential that you stay on top of the credit limits you grant customers and
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