The use of mid-aisle displays, which boosted sales of overlooked vegetables when it was applied in Denmark, is one of the top tips in a new online ‘Retailer Toolkit’ produced by the Food Foundation independent think tank to help retailers improve their veg offer – and consequently, their sales.
The use of floor stickers and marking space in trolleys for fruit and veg are other ideas suggested in the guide, which is part of the ‘Peas Please’ initiative launched by the Food Foundation to bring together farmers, retailers, fast food and restaurant chains, processors and government departments to strive for the common goal of making it easier for everyone to eat veg.
To help achieve the aim, the FF will hold a Vegetable summit in London, Cardiff and Glasgow on 24 October, 2017.
Adding relevance to the FF’s campaign is the knowledge that UK consumers are buying 2/3 less veg than recommended by health experts. While government guidance on a healthy diet reckons that 20% of our shopping should comprise vegetables, the reality is that we are only averaging 7.2%.
The ‘Eatwell Guide’ comprises an infographic to illustrate show how much of what we eat overall should come from each food group. It was produced by Public Health England in association with the devolved administrations.