UK economic sentiment at lowest level for seven years

UK economic sentiment at lowest level for seven years 30th August 2019. Weak services and reduced confidence in the retail sector saw economic sentiment in the UK fall to its lowest level in seven years this month, according to figures
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Would a no-deal Brexit lead to factory closures?

Would a no-deal Brexit lead to factory closures? 29th August 2019. A no-deal Brexit has been predicted to cause massive damage to the country’s manufacturing sector. Workers from some of the UK’s biggest manufacturers have warned the Government that a
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Parliament to be prorogued!

Parliament to be prorogued! 28th August 2019. Boris Johnson has announced plans to prorogue parliament! A summer of relatively few jaw-dropping Brexit developments came to an end yesterday as U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced he will be suspending the
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Brexit’s impact on SMEs – 27th August 2019.

Brexit’s impact on SMEs – 27th August 2019. Augusts bank holiday weekend was a scorcher with records broken and temperatures records broken again with temperatures in West London reaching 33.3C. London was fittingly hotter than Rio, for the Notting Hill
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Business groups warn staff shortages are becoming more acute

Business groups warn staff shortages are becoming more acute  23/08/2019 UK net migration has fallen 12% to 226,000, driven by the lowest level of EU nationals arriving in six years. The Office for National Statistics revealed that the number of
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