UK Boasts Fastest Export Growth

UK Boasts Fastest Export Growth 18th December 2017. Export growth in the UK continues to overtake Europe’s other largest economies, boosted by the pound’s weakness, according to recent data.. Research conducted by accountancy and business adviser BDO has found that
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UK Finance Industries Booming

UK Finance Industries Booming 15th December 2017. Britain’s world-leading finance industries bring in a £57 billion trade surplus and far outrank any other European nation, a new report has found. The study from TheCityUK lobby group has revealed a higher
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Brexit Progress To Boost Economy

Brexit Progress To Boost Economy 15th December 2017. Theresa May’s recent breakthrough in Brexit negotiations, as well as the Chancellor’s Budget last month, are both giving a small extra boost to economic growth, the Bank of England believes. The Bank’s
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Brexit Holds Steady As More Tech Workers Come To UK

Brexit Holds Steady As More Tech Workers Come To UK 15th December 2017. Brexit fears scattered as more tech workers come to the UK from outside the EU More technology workers in the UK are coming from India, Australia and the
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Employment Boom Set To Falter

Employment Boom Set To Falter 12th December 2017. Recruitment will slow sharply in the coming months as employers’ optimism about Britain’s immediate prospects wanes, a new survey has warned. In a new survey by fortune 500 company, Manpower Group, it
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