Capital To Lose 10,500 Jobs

Capital To Lose 10,500 Jobs 12th December 2017.  London is at risk of losing  10,500 jobs to international employers as a fifth of UK financial businesses confirm their plans to open hubs abroad or relocate staff once the UK leaves the
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SME Confidence At Lowest Level Since Brexit, New Survey Shows

SME Confidence At Lowest Level Since Brexit, New Survey Shows 11th December 2017. A new report has found confidence amongst SMEs is at its lowest level since the EU referendum in June 2016. Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank Group (CYBG) is
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Businesses Demand More Clarity From New Deal

Businesses Demand More Clarity From New Deal 8th December 2017.   More clarity on the Brexit transition is needed to stop companies proceeding with contingency plans despite the progress announced today, the CBI has warned. Paul Drechsler, president of the
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May Achieves ‘Breakthrough’ Deal

May Achieves ‘Breakthrough’ Deal 8th December 2017. In a small step towards clearing the country of Brexit uncertainty, Prime Minister Theresa May has finally struck a last minute deal with the European Union to allow her to move on to
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Entrepreneurs Feel Business Confident

Entrepreneurs Feel Business Confident 7th December 2017. Entrepreneurs are feeling positive that the New Year will bring in opportunities for their businesses, according to recent research. In a survey of entrepreneurs, the Institute of Directors (IoD) found 83 per cent
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