Advisers Sneaked Secrets out of RBS’s GRG

Advisers Sneaked Secrets out of RBS’s GRG Professionals from Royal Bank of Scotland’s subsidiary Global Restructuring Group (GRG) were feeding confidential informational onto rival companies, it has been reported. Workers from London’s advisory firms who had offered their skills to
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Paradise Papers: What Now For The Professional?

Paradise Papers: What Now For The Professional? In  2016 the tax affairs of the rich and powerful were thrust into the limelight when the Panama Papers were released, and now around eighteen months later this has happened once again.  In
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80% increase in health and safety fines (E, S, W)

Finance and Legal
06/11/2017 80% increase in health and safety fines (E, S, W) 20 individual fines totalling £30.7m were largely responsible for the substantial 80% increase in fines for breach of health and safety law in Britain between 2015/16 (£38.8m) and 2016/17
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New high-speed ‘cheque image clearing system’ commences roll-out (UK)

Finance and Legal
06/11/2017 New high-speed ‘cheque image clearing system’ commences roll-out (UK) All cheques will be cleared by the end of the working day after they have been paid in, when the phased introduction of a new clearing system that allows banks
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Interest Rate Rise To Cause ‘Some Pain’

Consumer Law
Interest Rate Rise To Cause ‘Some Pain’ The rise in UK interest rates  is predicted to cause “some pain” for homeowners as mortgage interest payments rise. The Bank of England, who raised the rates a week ago, insist the fallout
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