Debt Recovery: No price is not right!
If you are owed a large sum from a debtor and assuming you are never getting it repaid, then do not lose hope! If it has been months since you even had contact with the owing individual, then do not give up!
At Credit Protection Association we deal with all manners of cases,whether it is as small as £90, or as large as £90,000. Our team put as much effort and dedication into every case, and will fight to the tooth to make sure you get what is owed while not damaging your relationship with the customer!
As an example, a few months ago a member from the scaffolding industry approached us with an impressive £21k debt! The debt was over 6 months old, so even though a claim was issued it was expected the debtor would defend the action. However, the Member quickly received full payment of the debt amount, interest, all court fees, contribution to the Members subscription and CPA’s remuneration! What a result!
On the flip side, a Member in the paper shredding business sent in a debt for £90.00 that was over 6 months and which they wanted to pursue as a matter of principle! The LBA was ignored and a claim was issued. The debtor defended the claim and the case went to Mediation. The Member accepted the full debt amount, costs and interest in settlement. It may have not been the result the member expected, but relations with the customer are much improved!
Whatever the amount; whatever period of time has passed; and whatever business you are in; do not hesitate to get in contact with us for help and advice. Please pass the matter to us as soon as possible as the quicker we act, the more likely we are to be successful!
Do you have debts owed to you by your customers? Do you have old outstanding invoices that need chasing? Are you unsure of your debtors identity?
We at CPA are pretty good at resolving these issues so why take the risk? Go ahead and contact us at the Credit Protection Association and we shall see if we can help.
Give us a call on 0330 053 9263 or get in contact.