Free Legal and Business Advice!


As most Client-Members will know, under LegalAdviceLINK our members  have access to a whole host of advice on the telephone.

24 hour, 365 days a year, COMMERCIAL LEGAL ADVICE SERVICE is available to our members.


  • Contracts
  • PAYE disputes
  • Contract disputes
  • Employment matters
  • Inland Revenue disputes
  • Accident and injury claims
  • Employment and maternity rights
  • Data protection, sex discrimination
  • Long-term sickness and disability claims
  • Prosecutions
  • VAT disputes
  • Statutory rights
  • Tenancy disputes
  • Property disputes
  • Race relations acts
  • Contractual matters
  • Pension fund trustees
    Etcetera Etcetera

We have just had a breakdown of the advice given out to Members over the past year. In order of number of calls, the subjects were as follows:

Commercial contracts; Employee sickness matters; Employee maternity matters; Employee disciplinary matters; TUPE/transfer of business matters.

“Also ran” were:

Insolvency/bankruptcy; building dispute; sales of goods and supply; contract termination; redundancy; wages and salary matters.

This is just one of the added benefits of membership we make available to our members.

Please do not forget the team at the advisory centre are always at your service!

Do you have a a business or legal question? Give our team a call on the number shown in the members only area of the site.

Not a member yet?

Why not contact us to see how membership could help you. This is just one of the many complimentary services we make available.

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