
Innovative ideas such as check-in facilities in town centres and core topics such as how government can best support future growth are up for discussion in a consultation seeking views on a strategy that will enable the aviation industry to respond to technological, security, environmental and customer service issues over the next three decades. 

‘A new aviation strategy for the UK: call for evidence’ gives the public the opportunity to look beyond the 3rd runway at Heathrow and play a part in shaping strategy for an aviation industry that currently supports 240,000 jobs directly and contributes at least £22bn to the UK economy each year.

The strategy will have a particular focus on consumers and has identified a range of issues that will be looked at during 2017 and 2018 in a series of themed consultation papers. Feedback to these will inform the final strategy that will be published at the end of 2018.

The consultation identifies 6 objectives, which are to

  • help the aviation industry work for its customers
  • ensure a safe and secure way to travel
  • build a global and connected Britain
  • encourage competitive markets
  • support growth while tackling environmental impacts
  • develop innovation, technology and skills

For each of these, it explains the approach to date, the challenges for the future and the questions for the strategy.