Build !Build! Build! – business news 30 June 2020.

Build !Build! Build! – business news 30 June 2020. 30 June 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. Boris promises to Build the country into recovery, Leicester is shutdown, the WHO warns worse is to come, but markets are up, GDP fall
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GDP and unemployment Covid19 Business news on 15 June 2020

GDP and unemployment Covid19 Business news on 15 June 2020. 15 June 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. We cover the fall in GDP, the rise in unemployment, predictions for the economy, general Covid-19, market news, the call for QE, retail
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What late payments tell us about lockdown – Covid-19 business news 5 June 2020.

What late payments tell us about lock-down – Covid-19 business news  5 June 2020. 5 June 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. The Covid-19 lock-down continues and we are having to make do in a new normal. Here are CPA we
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The latest steps to protect us from economic effects of Coronavirus 20th March 20.

The latest steps to protect us from economic effects of Coronavirus. 20th March 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. The Chancellor of the Exchequer is set to announce an employment and wage subsidy package to try to protect millions of jobs
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The Bank of England acts, what will the Chancellor do?

The Bank of England acts, what will the Chancellor do?. 11th March 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. The Bank of England Governor Mark Carney announced this morning a  50-basis-point emergency rate cut  from 0.75% to 0.25% taking borrowing costs back
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