UK hit by a cold front – literally and financially

UK hit by a cold front – literally and financially James Salmon 21st June 2019. May was miserable and June hasn’t been much better. It seems the traditional April showers have decided to settle and make a summer of it.
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Rate Rise on Hold Thanks to Brexit

The Credit Protection Association is a credit management company established in 1914. If you supply goods or services on credit then we can help you! Keep up to date with the latest news by following us on social media:- CPA
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Interest Rates Piqued to Rise, Firms Should Focus on Cash Flow

The Credit Protection Association is a credit management company established in 1914. If you supply goods or services on credit then we can help you! Keep up to date with the latest news by following us on social media:- CPA
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Business Finances Rest As Bank Holds off on Interest Rate Rise

Business Finances Rest As Bank Holds off on Interest Rate Rise 10th May 2018. The Bank of England has said the UK economy has hit a “temporary soft patch” as it kept interest rates on hold at 0.5%. While the
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Interest Rates Likely To Increase, Putting Pressure on Finances

Interest Rates Likely To Increase, Putting Pressure on Finances 24th April 2018. The Bank of England is likely to raise interest rates twice this year and twice in 2019, despite a sluggish economy, says a forecasting body. The conversation has
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