3 options for getting paid by a customer who is avoiding you

CPA Blog
3 options to get paid by a customer who is avoiding you Recently  one of our members told us about one of their customers who has been avoiding them when ever they chased for payment.  No matter what way they
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Cash Flow Advice

CPA Blog
Cash Flow Advice As the old saying goes, ‘Cash is King’. A Bank study revealed that an astonishing 82% of small businesses fail. Poor cash flow is often the cause. Here is a comprehensive guide to avoiding the problem. Make
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Overdue Account Recovery Service

CPA Blog
Now is the time to act! Do you sell goods or services on credit? Then CPA can help you! “But we don’t have any bad debts!” you say. Did you know that businesses lose more money through late payments than
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A Credit Management Company

CPA Blog
A Credit Management Company The Credit Protection Association Plc is a Credit Management company.  But what is a Credit Management company? For most people who are not in the Credit industry the words might not mean much. What is credit
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Are you being paid late by public sector clients

CPA Blog
Are you being paid late by Public Sector clients? A recent survey of engineering companies showed that 63% of suppliers who responded were experiencing delayed payment from their public sector clients including local authorities and the NHS. In fact the
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