Renewed Focus on Cash Flow Could Protect Retailers

Renewed Focus on Cash Flow Could Protect Retailers 4th May 2o18. The number of retailers in significant financial distress has increased by a fifth over the past year, with almost 50,000 companies struggling to stay afloat, according to Begbies Traynor,
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Firms Continue to Accept Long Payment Terms

Firms Continue to Accept Long Payment Terms 4th May 2018. Companies around the world are taking longer to collect payments from customers, leading to a growing risk that they could hit trouble as the global economy slows. UK businesses are currently
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UK Manufacturers Need Pick-Me-Up

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UK Manufacturers Need Pick-Me-Up 3rd May 2018. Activity in the UK manufacturing sector slowed at the start of the second quarter of the year, according to the latest survey of purchasing managers working in the sector. The first quarter of
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Consumer Borrowing Slumps- Good News, or Bad?

Consumer Borrowing Slumps- Good News, or Bad? 2nd April 2018. City analysts have warned that the economy is facing a “credit slump” after the amount that consumers borrowed on credit cards, overdrafts and car loans collapsed in March. Britain has
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London Firms Refocus on Cash Flow To Offset Low Self-Esteem

London Firms Refocus on Cash Flow To Offset Low Self-Esteem 1st May 2018 London firms lost confidence during April as optimism around the prospects for the British economy sagged, according to a poll to be published today. The confidence felt
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