Greater resources needed to fight late payments to SMEs

Greater resources needed to fight late payments to SMEs 3rd December 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. Greater resources needed to support small firms Paul Uppal, the former Small Business Commissioner, has called for more resources to help fight late payments
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Subcontractors demand political action over late payment

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Subcontractors demand political action over late payment. 28th November 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. Subcontractors are demanding politicians walk the talk and back-up their manifesto promises on late payment with action. Leaders of the Specialist Engineering Contractors’ (SEC) Group are
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British business practices defended

British business practices defended 28th November 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. British business practices defended   A report by the British Academy which claims that companies have “failed to deliver benefit beyond shareholders, to its stakeholders and its wider community”
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Hospitality sector urges rates reform

Hospitality sector urges rates reform 22 November 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. The hospitality sector urges rates reform, while an economist argues against and we have another CVA in the sector. Hospitality sector urges rates reform UK Hospitality, which represents
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OECD: UK growth will dip even if no-deal Brexit avoided

OECD: UK growth will dip even if no-deal Brexit avoided 22 November 2019. James Salmon, Operations Director. UK growth will dip to 1% even if no-deal Brexit avoided, OECD says The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has warned
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