Covid19 lock-down business news update 15 May 2020 – Half of businesses reveal cash shortage fears!

Covid19 lock-down business news update 15 May 2020 – Half of businesses reveal cash shortage fears! 15 May 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. The Covid19 lock-down continues and we are having to make do in a new normal. Here are
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The latest steps to protect us from economic effects of Coronavirus 20th March 20.

The latest steps to protect us from economic effects of Coronavirus. 20th March 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. The Chancellor of the Exchequer is set to announce an employment and wage subsidy package to try to protect millions of jobs
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Coronavirus and business 17th March 2020

Coronavirus and business. 17th March 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. The last few days have been a very testing time for most small businesses. Their normal activity has been disrupted, employees and customers are staying away  out of fear of
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2020 shaping up well for the UK

2020 shaping up well for the UK. 19th February 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. UK was third fastest G7 economy in 2019 Despite all the negativity around brexit and the surrounding uncertainty along with the UK stagnating in the final
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House prices and mortgage activities rise

House prices and mortgage activities rise. 4th February 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. If you are in a business exposed to the housing industry, you will be heartened to see house prices and mortgage activities rise. A pick up in
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