Corporate Insolvencies hit five year peak

CPA Blog
Corporate Insolvencies hit five year peak. James Salmon, Operations Director. 1st May 2019. Corporate Insolvencies hit five year peak, rising by 6.3% in the first three months of the year compared with the final quarter of 2018, and by 5.1%
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When your company isn’t paid on time

CPA Blog
When your company isn’t paid on time James Salmon, Operations Director. When your company isn’t paid on time and you fail to take action on late payments, the effect on on your cash flow can be traumatic. You can risk
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Big companies accused of ‘ignoring rules’ over paying their suppliers

credit management
Big companies accused of ‘ignoring rules’ over paying their suppliers. James Salmon, Operations Director. 30th April 2019. Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply More than a thousand big companies are flouting the law by ignoring rules that oblige them to
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Late Payment Compensation

Late Payment Compensation Have you been paid late on commercial invoices? Your business could be due tens of thousands in compensation! For a free assessment of the potential financial compensation you are owed, please call us on 0330 053 9263
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Late payment pain for small firms highlighted in the Times.

Late payment pain for small firms highlighted in the Times. 5th April 2019. Journalist, Sathnam Sanghera wrote in the Times  today at the impact late payment has on SMEs. see the article here – The Times, Page: 43 It is
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