Rocky Recovery, microbusinesses and the economic second wave – business news 5 August 2020.

Rocky Recovery, microbusinesses and the economic second wave – business news 5 August 2020. 5 August 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. Recovery may be two steps forward, one step back, poll looks at the effect on micro-businesses, bounce back loans,
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Manufacturing output climbs – business news 4 August 2020.

Manufacturing output climbs – business news 4 August 2020. 4 August 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. Manufacturing output climbs, announcement of the Getting Building Fund, call to allocate unspent grants, office staff resent home workers, furlough fraud, Covid-19, markets, another high
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Ease insolvency rules to save viable firms business news 3 August 2020.

Ease insolvency rules to save viable firms –  business news  3 August 2020. 3 August 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. We cover the call to ease insolvency rules to save viable businesses, while others say zombie firms should be allowed
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Zombie Companies Rise – business news 29 July 2020.

Zombie Companies Rise –  business news  29 July 2020. 29 July 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. Zombie companies rise, the K recovery, £49 billion in SME debt, retail recovering, furloughing, the eat out scheme, covid-19, markets and a lot more
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New Insolvency proposals and other business news 28 July 2020.

New Insolvency proposals and other business news 28 July 2020. 22 July 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. We look at new insolvency proposals, movement in business confidence, SMEs on the return to work and the innovative ideas needed, Covid-19 ,
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