Regulators now have Growth Obligations (UK).

31/03/2017. Most national regulators are now obliged to have due regard to the potential to promote economic growth alongside their core delivery of protections, under a provision in the Deregulation Act 2015 that came into force on 29 March. ‘Growth
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Concerns with Digital Comparison Tools (UK).

31/03/2017. Despite finding users overall to be satisfied that digital comparison tools (DCTs) enable them to make informed choices and save money, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) believes they could do even better and has identified four concerns as
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Applying the Cap Code to ‘Advertorials’ (UK).

31/03/2017. New guidance from the Committee of Advertising Practice explains how the CAP Code* that covers all forms of non-broadcast advertising applies to ‘advertorials’ – which are also known as ‘advertisement features’ or ‘advertisement promotions’ and are basically advertisements designed
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Total Separation for Openreach and BT (UK)

23/03/2017. Openreach will achieve total independence from BT Group without the delay and disruption normally associated with such a structural separation, after BT’s agreement to all the changes necessary to address competition concerns removed the necessity for Ofcom to impose
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Locally-Administered Business Rates Relief (E)

Views on the design and implementation of the locally-administered discretionary small business rates relief scheme announced in Spring Budget 2017 are being sought by the Dept for Communities and Local Government.  10/3/2017 ‘Business Rates: Consultation on proposals on the design
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