Recovery Slows and Consumer lending falls – business news 10 August 2020.

 Recovery Slows and Consumer lending falls – business news 10 August 2020. 10 August 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. The recovery slows, consumer lending falls steeply, company directors forgotten in relief efforts, job cutting predictions, GDP down a fifth and
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Employment lags as economy rebounds – business news 6 August 2020.

Employment lags as economy rebounds – business news 6 August 2020. 6 August 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. According to the latest PMIs, employment lags as the economy rebounds, more warnings as furlough comes to an end, predictions of a
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Ease insolvency rules to save viable firms business news 3 August 2020.

Ease insolvency rules to save viable firms –  business news  3 August 2020. 3 August 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. We cover the call to ease insolvency rules to save viable businesses, while others say zombie firms should be allowed
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Debt plan for Covid loans and public sector pay rise – business news 21 July 2020.

Debt plan for Covid loans and public sector pay rise –  business news  21 July 2020. 21 July 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. We look at a proposed debt plan for Covid loans, the hit to household incomes and reduced
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Covid-19 lock-down business news update 22 May 2020.

Covid-19 lock-down business news update 22 May 2020. 22 May 2020. James Salmon, Operations Director. The Covid-19 lock-down continues and we are having to make do in a new normal. Here are CPA we want to  share the business news
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