While the number of consumers switching energy suppliers is at a 9-year high according to Ofgem’s latest data, measures to take the hassle out of switching suppliers and make it easier to identify cheaper deals still figure prominently in its latest programme to ensure all consumers – including the most vulnerable – get a better energy deal.
Decision on the partial implementation of the CMA’s Whole of Market remedy and consulting on new Code requirements’ sets out plans to allow consumers to switch suppliers directly from a comparison web site; currently, for some of the cheapest deals they must visit the supplier’s own site and re-enter their details.
Ofgem will also be trialling a new ‘Check Your Energy Deal’ online switching service to help customers who have been on poor value standard variable tariffs for three years or more to find cheaper deals.
In a separate trial, it is testing whether writing to customers – including people who are vulnerable and not online – about cheaper offers from rivals prompts them to shop around and switch tariff.
To help more vulnerable customers, it is seeking views in ‘Prepayment meters installed under warrant: statutory consultation’ on proposals to cap warrant charges to install pre-payment meters at £150 and ban them altogether for the most vulnerable customers.
It also intends investigating the option of introducing a safeguard tariff to prevent the most vulnerable people from overpaying for energy.