17th November 2017.
‘Brexit Mutineers’ Fight Brexit Date
An independent group of Tory MPs who are challenging the government’s handle of the Brexit bill, are now fighting a new plan by the Prime Minister to set in law the UK’s departure date from the EU.
Insisting they are not trying to frustrate Brexit, these ‘mutineers’ warn this new plan by Prime Minister, Theresa May, could “harm our country’s interests’.
In a recent letter to the Daily Telegraph, they warn that the May’s plan to write Britain’s date of departure onto legislation, is “too rigid” if more time is needed to negotiate.
The rebellion is now thought to consist of twenty Tory MPs and is drawing concern from ministers over its impact.
The group has informed senior party figures they will even join forces with Labour to block this recent plan to set the departure date in stone.
Theresa May has said she is “listening carefully” and welcomes a “lively debate”.
The mutineers insist that with negotiations going as they are, and on a timeline so uncertain, putting our EU departure date in such rigid form could accidentally harm the country’s interest, and threaten a satisfying transitional deal.
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