Construction Sector Struggling With Low Confidence
The construction sector is experiencing reinvigorated growth following stalled activity back in September, but the industry is still struggling to recover its confidence.
This growth rise has been entirely driven by house-building, as commercial projects and infrastructure continue to slow in October.
But confidence in the sector has hit its lowest level since December 2012, which is a fifty-eight month low.
Tim Moore of IHS Markit stated that commercial activity and civil engineers were seeing “sustained declines”, with firms claiming they are not receiving new contracts once others are completed.
Moore admits the rise in house-building may be a “bright spot”, but it could still be a difficult month for the construction sector.
With interest rates now increased, and reliance on residential building not a priority, the sector may be forced to expand.
Duncan Brock, of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply insisted that if the sector was going to continue its growth, it needed to advance the skills of its staff. Brock called for action by the Chancellor of Exchequer, Richard Hammond, who could afford attention to the sector in his new budget this month.
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