Creating a countrywide ‘major road network’ (E)
5,000 miles of the busiest and most economically important local authority ‘A’ roads will be incorporated in a new Major Road Network (MRN) that can draw on the National Roads Fund * to finance major improvement schemes developed by local authorities and regional bodies across England.
A key element in the Transport Investment Strategy, the MRN will mirror the planned investment in the strategic road network of motorways and large A roads managed by Highways England.
However, the road upgrades in MRNs will be controlled by councils and, where possible, regional sub-national transport bodies such as Transport for the North. This will help ensure individual developments unlock maximum benefits for local communities.
‘Proposals for the creation of a Major Road Network’ includes a proposal that each successful bid for an improvement or upgrade scheme would be eligible for up to £100m of government funding.
It also seeks views on
- how to define the MRN
- the role that local, regional and national bodies would play in the investment programme
- which schemes will be eligible for MRN funding
The consultation links to a map illustrating what the proposed MRN may look like and to ‘Local authorities could benefit from up to £100 million’ a quirky YouTube video, which briefly and graphically suggests qualifying schemes could include
- bypasses
- missing links between existing routes
- road widening
- major junction improvements
- technological and safety enhancements
Each scheme would also be expected to help the new MRN achieve its core objectives of
- reducing congestion
- boosting economic growth and rebalancing
- realising the potential to build new housing
- supporting the strategic road network and all road users
* From 2020, the national Roads Fund will be paid for by Vehicle Excise Duty, which raised about £6bn in 2016.
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