Developing an independent UK trade remedies framework (UK)
Businesses producing goods currently subject to EU anti-dumping or anti-subsidy measures, or to on-going investigations related to them, are being asked by the government whether they think the measures that affect them should be maintained in the independent trade remedies framework, which will be served by a specially created investigation authority* when the UK leaves the EU.
In ‘Call for evidence to identify UK interest in existing EU trade remedy measures’ , the Dept for International Trade
- aims to identify such businesses
- asks them whether they support, oppose or are neutral to maintaining those measures that affect them in the trade remedies framework that will set out the UK’s policies for taking action post-Brexit against imports that are damaging domestic industry
- asks for data about their production and sales to help assess – together with wider national data – whether specific measures meet required criteria and can be maintained
- invites other interested parties to identify measures of specific interest to help it make an accurate assessment of applications to maintain them
The EU currently has more than 100 measures in place on products imported from non-EU countries. The Call for Evidence makes it clear that if a measure does not receive an application to be maintained or does not meet the required criteria, it will be terminated once the UK begins to operate independent trade remedies.
* The creation of a new trade remedies investigation authority to investigate cases and propose measures was one of five core measures identified in the post-Brexit trade policy White Paper. **** ‘White papers set out UK trade and customs policies post-Brexit (UK)’, CPA News, 10 October 2017.
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