Employment Boom Set To Falter
12th December 2017.
Recruitment will slow sharply in the coming months as employers’ optimism about Britain’s immediate prospects wanes, a new survey has warned.
In a new survey by fortune 500 company, Manpower Group, it has been found that Brexit uncertainty has brought hiring confidence for the UK to a five-year low.
The recruitment consultancy ’s survey will renew concerns for the employment boom that has driven joblessness to 42-year lows. The most recent official data revealed that employment fell for the first time in a year and economists have warned that peak employment may have passed.
Manpower reported that employment was better in certain regions of the country, but the overall picture was its least optimistic since 2012.
James Hick, managing director of Manpower Group Solutions, said: “This quarter we are seeing the worrying double whammy of a fall in confidence nationwide and flatlining hiring in London. This makes for a pretty bleak midwinter, considering it comes at a time when Brexit talks are on a knife edge.”
He said the data would prompt fears that the jobs market was cooling off: “The key indicator sectors of finance and business services and the public sector have both seen a fall this quarter.”
The transport industry, however, suggests it is not all bleak; online shopping has encouraged a boost to employment within the industry, driven by demand for logistics and forced up pay among lorry drivers by as much as 20 percent.
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